Frequently Asked Questions

This page will respond to your frequently asked questions (FAQS) and will be updated regularly. If this page doesn’t answer your question, please do send an enquiry through here and we will answer it as soon as possible

Changes to Secure Tenancy Agreement

  • Will my tenancy agreement change?

    Yes, all secure tenants will have their secure tenancy ended and will be signed up to an (protected) assured tenancy.

  • Why is my tenancy changing?

    Barnet Homes will no longer be your landlord, instead L&Q will be. L&Q are a Housing Association and the closest tenancy they can provide to a secure tenancy is an assured tenancy, only councils are able to provide residents with secure tenancy agreements however, many councils are now issuing time limited tenancies.

  • Will my tenancy agreement have different terms?

    Yes, the assured tenancy agreement will differ slightly from your current secure tenancy agreement, however, the differences are small and should make little if any difference.

  • Is my new tenancy agreement for a limited time only?

    No. Your new assured tenancy will be a lifetime tenancy like your current secure tenancy.

  • My household is being split, will my second household also be provided with an assured tenancy?

    No. Any family members who do not currently hold their own tenancy with Barnet Homes and are being offered their own tenancy will be issued with a fixed term tenancy. This tenancy will be issued to residents for a fixed term period of 6 years and will incorporate a one year probationary period.

  • Will I still have the right to buy my property?

    Yes, if you currently have a secure tenancy your right to buy will be preserved.