Frequently Asked Questions

This page will respond to your frequently asked questions (FAQS) and will be updated regularly. If this page doesn’t answer your question, please do send an enquiry through here and we will answer it as soon as possible

Secure Resident Property Allocations

  • As a secure resident will I be allocated a property on the new development?

    The aim is to re-house all secure residents on the new development, however in very rare circumstances this may not be possible (for example, if your family is too big for any of the properties we have built). If this situation occurs it may be necessary to house you in an alternative property that is not situated within Dollis Valley.

  • When will the offer/allocation take place?

    Your allocation should take place approximately 18 months prior to moving.

  • What size property will I get?

    Properties will be allocated on a needs only basis, this means the size of the property you are given will be dependant upon the size of your current family. L&Q and Barnet Homes will carry out a housing needs survey with you to discuss with you what size property you need, it may be necessary for some families to downsize whereas others will move to a bigger home. All details of how homes will be allocated can be found in the Local Lettings Plan document, if you would like to know further details about this document please contact Tracy Nisbett whose contact details can be found at the end of this document.

  • Will I get to choose my new property?

    You will get a chance to look at plans of the new properties available to you and will be asked to list (in order of preference) up to three properties that you like, from the lists received L&Q will allocate the properties. We will try our best to provide you with the home you would like, however, it may be necessary to allocate you a property that meets your needs rather than your wants. 

    How are properties allocated? 

    The Local Lettings Plan explains in more detail how properties will be allocated. This includes 

    • Priority for medical need
    • Priority dependent on family size 
    • Priority related to how long you have lived on Dollis Valley
  • I have a garden/ground floor/house now, does this mean I am entitled to the same again?

    No, as explained above, you will be allocated a property in accordance with your current need, the property you have now will have no influence on your new home. Priority for properties with a garden will be given to families with children under the age of 10 years old.

    The Local Lettings Plan explains property allocations for secure residents in more detail. If you would like a copy of this document or require any further general information please contact Tracy Nisbett or Pamela Kovachich: 

    • Tracy Nisbett, L&Q Regeneration and Community Co-ordinator,, 0208 189 0965
    • Pamela Kovachich, PPCR Resident Independent Advisor,, 0800 317 066
  • Will I be provided with any white goods?

    Yes, you will be provided with the following white goods: Oven Gas hob Extractor fan Washing machine