Frequently Asked Questions

This page will respond to your frequently asked questions (FAQS) and will be updated regularly. If this page doesn’t answer your question, please do send an enquiry through here and we will answer it as soon as possible

Tenancy Type

  • Who will be offered tenancies on the new estate?

    All residents who currently hold a secure tenancy and whose home is being demolished will be offered a new tenancy on the new estate

  • What is a secure resident?

    A secure resident is a resident who has a secure tenancy agreement with Barnet Homes, your tenancy agreement is a document that you will have signed before you moved into your home.

  • As a secure resident what will I be offered?

    Secure residents will be offered a property on the new development that is considered suitable to their needs e.g. the number of bedrooms they require. You will be offered a new Assured Tenancy which will have rights ‘preserved’ from the secure tenancy (legally in the past secure tenancies were only issued by Councils)

  • How do I know if I have a secure tenancy?

    Most residents who moved into their home before October 2002 will have been given a secure tenancy by Barnet Homes, you can check your tenancy agreement in order to confirm the type of tenancy you have. If you are unsure or cannot find your tenancy agreement please contact your Housing Officer from Barnet Homes who will be able to confirm your tenancy type.

  • What is a non-secure resident?

    A non-secure resident is a resident who has a non-secure tenancy agreement from Barnet Homes

  • How do I know if I have a non-secure tenancy?

    Most residents who moved into their homes after September 2002 will have been given a non-secure tenancy agreement, however, it is advised you check your tenancy agreement to confirm this or alternatively contact your Housing Officer.

  • As a non-secure resident will I be re-housed on the new development?

    No, non-secure residents will not be offered a property on the new development. Before your home is due for demolition Barnet Homes will contact you and discuss your housing need and what re-housing options are available to you.

    If you have any further queries in regards to this FAQ or anything else in relation to the regeneration of Dollis Valley please use the contact details below:

    • Tracy Nisbett, L&Q Regeneration and Community Co-ordinator,, 0208 189 0965
    • Pamela Kovachich, PPCR Resident Independent Advisor,, 0800 317 066